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Our Content Capabilities

Survey & Poll Development

More than Just Asking Questions!

Anyone can ask a question . . . sure. But developing questionnaires is a discipline, and involves a lot more than asking questions. Whether your questionnaire is for research (surveys) or fun and engagement (polls), we have professionals on deck to write them for you.

Engagement Bots

Get Your Customers Involved!
animated image of little robot shifting from side to side

If you've ever gone down an internet question-and-response rabbit hole  . . . click . . . click . . . click . . . then you know the addictive power of engagement bots. WerxMarketing's content team writes and designs addictive engagement bots (and then we implement them for you too).


Imagine it. Animate it!

Animation gives you the entertainment quality of video without the restrictions — and it performs as well for customer engagement. Our animation team can put together custom animations from original illustrations (which we create) or elements you already have (like your logo).

Are You Ready

to do Exceptional Marketing?

Then let's talk! Call us now at 312.239.8820, or book a 20-minute appointment to tell us about what you need.