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We're Different

Technology agnostic and deeply creative, WerxMarketing doesn't just sell you what we know . . . we create for you what you need. Our deep background in marketing strategy means we start by listening to — and understanding — your business and sales strategy. Everything we create for you comes from that, designed to achieve your business goals.

All online success starts with strategy and a plan.

Our specialty is inbound, customer lifecycle marketing

Our approach to technology gives you the highest value

animated graphic of a shopping basket emerging from a computer monitor

Website Development

Our approach to building websites is very unique. We live by two rules: no golden handcuffs, and may the best technology be used.

animated graphic of a bouncing chess piece

Marketing Strategy

Marketing isn't about the tools — it's about the discipline, and we've mastered both. Now let's hit your business targets.

Animated graphic of a twirling snowflake

Brand Strategy

A brand is more than a collection of graphic elements. It's a promise made and a promise kept. We'll help you create one.


Customer Relationship Management maximizes marketing efficiency and customer nurturing. You work too hard for those leads - let's make sure you keep them.

Animated graphic of the common social media share icon - a triangle with one open side and circles on each point

Social Media Marketing

Everyone can use social media — but that doesn't mean they're marketing. We apply solid marketing discipline to your social media strategy.

Animated graphic of the common video icon - a triangle pointing to the right inside a circle.

Video & Animation

By 2025, 70% of all content consumed on the internet will be video or motion graphics. Will you be ready? We are, and we can get you there too.

Animated graphic of a pulsing radial histogram

Graphic Design

We take the discipline of graphic design seriously here, because after all the thinking, planning, and message-development, the graphic has to carry the weight.

Animated graphic of hands on either side of a rotating gear

Technology Support

Marketing tech is changing faster than most people can learn it. We stay on top of the technology, to support your business and your learning curve.

Animated graphic of a pencil rotating top-to-bottom with its tip and eraser popping off and on

Copy Writing

All marketing starts with messaging and copy. Our professional writing teams understand what it means to write copy that sells and inspires while increasing your SEO performance.

Animated graphic of one tree of an organization diagram, showing two lower level concepts linked to a main concept

Technology Stacks

We put tech tools and automation together to give you a more unique, dynamic, relevant, and efficient marketing program.

Animated graphic of rings being tossed onto a spike in a ring-toss game

Interactive Content

Increase customer loyalty by engaging them with your online presence and improve your SEO! It's a win/win.

Genuine Support

We're committed to your marketing success. Give us a call or email us today, and let us show you how we can help your business grow.

Are You Ready

to do Exceptional Marketing?

Then let's talk! Call us now at 312.239.8820, or book a 20-minute appointment to tell us about what you need.

Our specialty is Inbound Marketing based on strong organic SEO principles. We create content that builds link value over time, and brings qualified, interested customers to your website. Break the chains of paid advertising (or at least, supplement them). Let us help you build a sustainable marketing strategy based on rich content and meaningful prospecting.

Organic Seo  +
Customer Relationship Marketing

Marketing Tutorials

When you work with WerxMarketing, you get more than marketing services. You get marketing guidance and training. Here are just some of the marketing tutorials we produce and share with our community.

Image of cartoon character version of client services director Kristin Kopaz

Be Part of Our Creative Community

We're always on the lookout for talented content developers. Perhaps you'd like to work with us!