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Thanks so much for attending my presentation on "How to Master SEO and What to Know About Retargeting." Here you can access all the materials referred to during the presentation.
Helpful Links
Site Test
PageSpeed insights from Google will analyze your website performance and generate suggestions to make your pages faster.
Mobile Test
This free test from Google will assess your site's mobile friendliness - a significant component of your SEO score.
Patience Test
This 6-minute video talks about playing a long-game in your marketing strategy. It's a great perspective to take when you're building your SEO game!
SEO Boot Camp for Jewelry Businesses
Gain mastery of SEO and inbound marketing techniques in this 5-week course you can do from anywhere and on your own time. The course is designed to help you LEARN SEO and APPLY it to your own online presence.
- Live classes with discussion
- Every class recorded to accommodate your schedule
- Private online group to discuss and collaborate with classmates
- All assignments benefit your own online presence - with discussion and critique!
- Templates and work tools you can use for all future online marketing
Space is limited to ensure quality experience for all students. Don't wait! Register now.
Early Bird Registration (by April 6): $450
After April 6: $525
Service Inquiry - Video or Phone Meeting
Have questions about our services? Would you like to know how we can help you, how we work, or what your project or consulting needs might cost? We'd love to discuss it with you! You can book a 20-minute consultation (free, of course) to discuss your needs, or send us an email. We'll answer your questions and figure out how we can help!